Archive for October 16th, 2009

Blogtober 15th: A winner and a loser

First up: a winner! Thanks to the help of the nice folks at Random.Org, I have drawn the winner for my blog giveway for the Amy Butler WIP bag. Congrats to Kylie, there’s an email waiting for you in  your inbox 🙂

So that’s the winner. And who is the loser? Me. 😦

Why? Well, I knitted Miss 3 a lovely wee summer apron top, Tropical Lily. And will she even so much as try it on? No. 

Am I planning on knitting her anything else right now? No.

Ah well, here’s a non-modelled pic for you.


Aside from the fact that the headstrong young missy won’t wear it, this was a fun knit.  I had my eye on knitting it last year but didn’t get around to it.  I didn’t have any 10 ply cotton in my stash, but I rectified that during the week.  Yes, more buying. I scored a 10-pack of Anchor Magicline 10 ply cotton for just $12.99, and used less than 4 balls to knit this. Plus I’m passing on the extras for a friend whose daughter will actually wear what she knits.  So, a bargain knit really, around $5 for a cute as wee summer top.

But the cotton did drive me a little crazy.  There are 4 colours that alternate, and in a predicable pattern as you can see. What you can’t tell is that some balls are wound with the colours in one order, the others go the other way. Oh, and add one join per ball and you get a lot of ends to sew in.  It seemed like a lot extra work just to get the stripes going right.

So, now I just have to wait until either Miss 3 changes her mind, or until this wee one grows a bit (excuse the fuzzy pic, she runs at the camera!)


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