Archive for October 18th, 2009

Blogtober 17th: Today

Today we… had a rainy morning.

So we did some baking together while Daddy went to work to do paperwork.






After lunch the sun came out. Miss 1 went to bed and Miss 3 and I took a lovely walk to the park and beyond before she had a nap and Mummy worked on her essay.

And after nap time, we got to enjoy the lovely afternoon some more.

There was bouncing…


And swinging…


and more swinging…


And more swinging…


And then, less photogenically, the girls helped Daddy trim a tree, I did some weeding, and Miss 3 found a big long worm. 


I love Sundays too!

Notice Miss 1’s shorties? They were my first ever project knitted in the round, (on my Addi Turbos, in Wool Company Watermelon yarn)  back when Miss 3 was a young’un.  Got to love slow growing children, these have had so much use 🙂

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